Helping you contain the chaos of motherhood & enjoy its beauty

11 Unique Christmas Gifts Toddlers Can Make For Friends & Family

gifts toddlers can make

Your toddler will probably want to give a Christmas gift to anyone and everyone, so finding Christmas gifts toddlers can make will save you tons of money. Plus, those gifts will be far more special and meaningful than anything you could buy! This post is all about gifts toddlers can make for family and friends […]

14 Valentine’s Day Activities for Toddlers That They’ll Love

valentine's day activities for toddlers

Valentine’s day activities for toddlers are truly crucial to every mom’s sanity. The post holiday blues have set in for everyone, it’s cold outside, and when Valentine’s Day comes around everyone is looking to celebrate!  This post is all about Valentine’s Day activities for toddlers that are easy, simple, and SO fun to get your […]

62 FREE Indoor Activities for Toddlers with Things You Already Have At Home

free indoor toddler activities

These free indoor activities for toddlers will get you through the cold days, rainy days, and even the seemingly endless months of winter. I know full well how much energy toddlers have and planning fancy activities everyday can get expensive. That’s why I created two months worth of free indoor activities for toddlers that you […]

18 Fun Snow Activities for Kids to Keep Busy This Winter

snow activities for kids

If your kids have grown tired of building snowmen over and over again, these unique snow activities for kids will help you both enjoy winter again!  This post is all about creative snow activities for kids to keep busy during the winter months! This post contains affiliate links. What is an Affiliate? Snow Activities for […]

15 Easy Winter Themed Sensory Bin Ideas for Cooped Up Kids

winter themed sensory bin

A winter themed sensory bin is the perfect thing for when those extra cold and snowy days hit. Kids can get a little stir crazy inside all day and sensory bins are a fun way to keep them happy, learning, and loving winter time!  This post is all about winter themed sensory bin ideas for […]

14 Easy Fall Sensory Bin Ideas to Dig into the New Season

fall sensory bin

Fall is full of new colors, smells, treats, and textures and a fall sensory bin is the perfect way to help your little one explore the new season! These fall sensory bin ideas are perfect for at home or in the classroom to quite literally dig into the beauty of fall!  This post is all […]