Valentine’s day activities for toddlers are truly crucial to every mom’s sanity. The post holiday blues have set in for everyone, it’s cold outside, and when Valentine’s Day comes around everyone is looking to celebrate!
This post is all about Valentine’s Day activities for toddlers that are easy, simple, and SO fun to get your whole family feeling the love!

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Valentine's Day Activities for Toddlers
What makes these good Valentine's Day activities for toddlers?
- The supplies are inexpensive– Toddlers are unpredictable. Sometimes I think my toddler will love an activity, I buy the supplies to do it, and he just looks at it and says, “no thanks, mom.” (I’m not kidding this has happened before). With inexpensive supplies, you at least won’t be out much if you end up in the same position.
- They can be done in a single sitting of 30 minutes or less– Toddlers aren’t exactly known for their long attention span. These activities take very little set up or clean up and don’t require breaks for dry time in between steps.
- They make great decorations– Many of these activities will leave you with an adorable decoration to decorate your home. Not only will your toddler beam with pride every time they see their hard work hung up but it also saves you money on decorations!
1. Marble Heart Painting

Source | Simply Full of Delight
Who knew you could make a beautiful craft by simply rolling a marble around in a box! Use them as cards, valentines, or decorate around the house.
What You'll Need:
- Box (does not need a lid)
- Paint
- Pink or white construction paper
- Scissors
- Marble or two
How to Make It:
- Draw and cut out a heart using whatever paper you chose
- Place the heart cut out into the bottom of the box.
- Place small amount of paints in the corners of the box
- Roll the marble around by tipping the box back and forth until you like the design you’ve made
2. Rose Petal Plato

Source | The Craft At Home Family
Creating your own homemade scented plato is super easy to do with rose petals. Add a little food coloring, and you’ve got festive Valentine plato for hours of fun.
What You'll Need:
- 2 cups flour
- 3/4 cup salt
- 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 1 fresh rose
- 2 cups water
- 1 tsp rose water
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- Pink food coloring as desired
How to Make It:
- Combine dry ingredients
- Cut up and add the rose petals
- Add wet ingredients
- Cook the dough on a stovetop
- Allow it to cool and knead it
- Add food coloring if desired
3. Bubble Frame

Source | The Inspiration Edit
With Christmas having come and gone, you likely have bubble wrap somewhere in your house. (especially if you love Amazon as much as I do!) This bubble wrap picture frame is cute, easy, and a great Valentine’s Day gift for grandparents and family members.
What You'll Need:
- Paint
- Paintbrush
- Bubble wrap
- Black marker
- Wooden frame
- Paper
- Scissors
- Glue
How to Make It:
- Cut the bubble wrap into small squares (a few inches each)
- Paint each piece of bubble wrap with different colors of paint and press onto the frame where desired
- Cut a piece of paper to fit the frame
- Let your child write a message or draw a picture on the paper before inserting it into the frame
4. Heart Rocks

Source | Sustain My Craft Habit
Head outside and grab a few rocks to paint for Valentine’s Day. It really doesn’t get much simpler than that!
What You'll Need:
- Rocks
- Paint
- Paintbrushes
How to Make It:
- Gather up rocks to paint
- Paint them however you like!
5. Counting Plato Mat Printable

Source | Taming Little Monsters
This printable counting has multiple great Valentine’s Day activities for toddlers who are learning to count. It definitely makes counting WAY more fun!
What You'll Need:
- Plato
- Optional laminator and lamination sheets (Just use a sheet protector!)
- Free printable from Taming Little Monsters
How to Make It:
- Gather up rocks to paint
- Paint them however you like!
6. Secret Message Heart

Source | Crafts By Amanda
What toddler doesn’t love a good secret. This secret message is super fun for them to do with a friend and exchange messages!
What You'll Need:
- White paper
- Scissors
- Watercolor paints
- Paint brushes
How to Make It:
- Cut out your paper into a heart
- Let your child choose what their secret message will be
- Help your child write their message (or write the message for them)
- Paint overtop to reveal the message
7. Valentine Hug

Source | Crafts By Amanda
These adorable crafts look great hanging by themselves or hanging together “holding hands.”
What You'll Need:
- Red piece of paper
- White piece of paper
- Pink paper (optional- you can also use a sharpie to make the nose)
- Googly eyes
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Sharpie
How to Make It:
- Cut out 1 big heart and 4 small hearts from your red piece of paper
- Cut 4 strips of white paper and fold in back and forth until the whole piece is folded (they will need help with this part)
- Glue the white strips on as arms and legs
- Glue the 4 small hearts onto the ends of each of the white strips
- Glue on the googly eyes, draw on the mouth, and add a paper or sharpie heart nose
8. Popsicle Stick Heart Puzzle

Source | Thriving in Parenting
You can make a popsicle stick puzzle of anything your toddler loves! This simple heart puzzle can be drawn or painted and is insanely simple to make!
What You'll Need:
- Popsicle sticks
- Red paint or marker
- Tape
How to Make It:
- Line up 6-7 popsicles side by side
- Tape 1-2 popsicle sticks across all of them to hold them together
- Flip everything over so the taped popsicle sticks are on the back
- Paint or draw the heart (or whatever you choose) on the front
- Remove the taped popsicle sticks and play with your puzzle!
9. Dinosaur Coloring Pages

Source | Cendu Param
If you have a little dinosaur lover like I do, these cute dinosaur coloring pages are perfect to celebrate Valentine’s Day!
What You'll Need:
- Free dinosaur coloring pages (get them here)
- Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils/Paint
How to Make It:
- Use your media of choice to color these adorable pictures
- Clear a space on the fridge for their work of art
10. Heart Suncatcher

Source | Darcy Brian
What You'll Need:
- Tissue paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Regular printer paper
- Sharpie
How to Make It:
- Draw a heart on a piece of printer paper with the sharpie
- Cut small squares of different colored tissue paper (or let them cut small pieces themselves if they are good with scissors)
- Glue the tissue paper pieces onto the heart without worrying about if anything hangs over the edge
- Cut the heart out, removing any excess tissue paper
- Hang it up in a window with clear tape
Mom Tip!
Whenever toddler crafts require the use of scissors, try letting them use scrapbooking scissors with a decorative edge! It is EXTREMELY HARD for them to cut themselves using them. This is how I am currently teaching my toddler to use scissors! Let your toddler learn proper technique and safety with these before letting them use a standard pair of scissors. It works like a charm!
11. Valentine Slime

Source | Darcy & Brian
No list of toddler activities is complete without slime! The addition of valentine heart confetti and glitter makes this one extra fun and festive too.
What You'll Need:
- 2 bottles clear Elmer’s glue
- 1/2 cup warm water
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 1/2 tablespoons contact solution (make sure it has boric acid)
- Glitter
- Heart foil confetti
How to Make It:
- Combine the glue and water
- Add the baking soda and stir thoroughly
- Add glitter and confetti, stir
- Add the contact solution and stir well
- Knead it like bread dough until it is no longer sticky
12. Valentine Color By Number

Source | The Best Ideas for Kids
If you are looking for an easy Valentine’s Day activity, it doesn’t get much easier than this! A color by number is a fun way to spend time with your toddler while also practicing colors and numbers.
What You'll Need:
- Free Valentine color by number by The Best Ideas for Kids (get it here)
- Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils (desired media)
How to Make It:
- Review all the different colors and numbers with your toddler
- Sit with our toddler and color all the spots with a 1, then all the spots with a 2, and so on
13. Dry Erase Floating Hearts
This dry erase marker trick blew my mind too the first time I did it! Just draw, pour warm water, and watch it dance!
What You'll Need:
- Red dry erase markers
- Plate or casserole dish to draw on
- Bowl
- Warm Water
How to Make It:
- Grab your plate or casserole dish and your dry erase marker
- Draw hearts, squiggles, or really anything you want!
- Slowly pour the water beside your design (not directly on top)
- Watch your designs float and dance
14. Wool You Be My Valentine

Source | Two Pink Peonies
This precious sheep Valentine craft makes a perfect card for family and friends.
What You'll Need:
- Sheep printable from Two Pink Peonies (get it here)
- Small pom poms
- Glue stick
How to Make It:
- Print off the free sheep printable
- Glue on the pom poms
- Color or add extra designs to the surrounding space
This post was all about Valentine’s Day activities for toddlers that will keep them busy all month long!
-Beautifully Busy Mom