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21 Motivational Fitness Quotes for Moms (+Free Printable Cards)

I created these fitness quotes for moms because I truly believe that fitness is even more important if you are a mom. Not only do we need to keep ourselves healthy to be there for our kids but we also are setting an example for our kids to follow. That’s what I need to remember to stay motivated on the days I’ve hardly slept at all and have dealt with screaming kids all day. We are doing it for them as much as we are doing this for ourselves. 

This post is all about motivational fitness quotes for moms to push through the tired moments and be the best mom they can possibly be for their kids! 

fitness quotes for moms

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Fitness Quotes for Moms

Why are these fitness quotes for moms so important?

Unlike others whose fitness motivation comes only from their desire to care for themselves, moms have the added motivation to take care of their kids. 

Fitness allows us to be there for our kids as long as possible, to keep up with the crazy amount of energy they have, and to be an example for them that is worth following. 

These fitness quotes for moms will remind you of just that to help keep you motivated each and every day.

1. "Taking care of you is the most important part of taking care of your kids."

You are quite literally everything to your kids while they are little (and when they are big if we are honest). Our kids need us. In order to keep up with them, hold them through the tough times, and be there for them for years to come we have to be healthy. There is quite literally nothing selfish about taking time out of your day to exercise and take care of you. 

2. "I thought about giving up but then I remembered who was watching."

As your kids get older, you won’t have the ability to work out during naptime and you will likely end up working out alongside your kids. When they watch you push through being tired, work harder, and get stronger every day they will want to do the same. I actually decided to buy my toddler a set of play weights so he could workout alongside me. 

3. "Fit moms don't have time, they make time."

Mom life is busy (hence part of the name of this blog), which means that you don’t have a ton of free time for the taking. You will have to make time for the things that are important to you. Choose to make fitness and a healthy lifestyle important and slowly you’ll find the time for it. 

4. "I exercise because somehow completely exhausting myself is the most relaxing part of my day."

I don’t know if I’ve ever related to something more. Even when I feel like I can’t walk after a workout and every part of my body hurts, I still find myself more relaxed than when I started. Motherhood is stressful at times, no one is going to argue that, and working out is a great release to help re center yourself. If you take your stress out on your dumbbells you are far less likely to lose patience with your kids later on.

5. "Kids are a reason, not an excuse"

While kids do definitely make fitness a little more tricky to navigate, it is fully possible to be fit and be a mom. You may just have to adjust your expectations. 

If you used to go to the gym for hours every day, you may have to learn how to create you own home gym. If you are a runner, you may have to adjust the timing of your runs and bring your kids along. If you always used to workout alone, you will eventually have to get used to working out with kids running around.

Embrace the changes, discover new ways to workout with kids at home, and remember you are doing this for them whenever they decide to interrupt your workout a few dozen times. 

6. "Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do"

Going through pregnancy and the birth process is one of the most empowering experiences I’ve ever been through. Feeling my babies kick inside of me as they grew bigger and knowing that my body was literally building a human was one of the coolest things I’ve every experienced. 

Then the birth process put me in pure awe of what my body was truly capable of accomplishing. After going through that, fitness feels all the more like a challenge that I am capable of crushing because I know just how much my body can achieve. 

7. " I exercise so that I can say yes when both of my kids want held at once."

It always hurts my heart when I am holding one kid and my other one wants held. I want my children to be able to take turns, don’t get me wrong. But I also don’t ever want my kids to feel that I am playing favorites. And if we are honest, I want to hold them both. I enjoy the cuddles and I love being able to do that. There is no way I could hold them both without working out. 

8. "A 30 minute workout is 2% of your day."

While your workout may feel like it will never end when you are holding a plank, a 30 minute workout is truly only 2% of your day. When you think about it that way, it feels far more doable and attainable. And even if you can’t string together 30 minutes, 10 minutes is better than 0 minutes. 

9. "It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think your not."

The reality is that most of the time we are the one thing holding ourselves back. It’s not the time constraint, it’s not our kids, it’s not the time. And mama, you are way too smart to be the only thing standing in your way of getting the health that you want.

10. "Never forget why you started."

Something my husband always says when it comes to just about anything in life is, “focus on your vision, not your circumstance.” If you focus on how tired you are during your entire workout, every rep will feel harder and harder. If you focus on getting just a little bit stronger and healthier with every rep to be the person you want to be, every rep will feel more doable and hopeful. 

11. "I found I was more confident when I stopped being someone else's definition of beautiful and started being my own."

The world puts all kinds of pressures on women to be a certain type of beautiful. Whether it be a certain weight, a certain fitness level, a certain hair color, a certain eye color, you name it. But, ultimately ONLY YOU get to determine what you see as beautiful. 

Treat your body with respect, have grace for yourself, and have patience through the process. Set your own goals and be your own kind of beautiful. 

12. "And she lifted heavily ever after."

I know not all women are fans of lifting weights but this was too good not to include! I personally did not get into lifting weights until college and I am NEVER going back to the all cardio life. I seriously recommend you give it a try if you never have before. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, just pick up a pair of dumbbells somewhere and give it a try. 

13. "Keep your squats low and your standards high."

Believe in yourself enough to set the bar high and know that you will one day be able to reach it even if you can’t right now. 

14. "Beauty begins when you start being yourself."

We all have that friend who is fearlessly authentically themselves. They don’t care what other people have to say about the way they look or the things they do. That person is usually one of the most beautiful people inside and out because there truly is something beautiful about being yourself. 

15. "The only bad workout is that one that didn't happen."

Some workouts will be worse than others. It’s just how life goes. When you’ve only slept 3 hours because your newborn decided to cluster feed half the night, you won’t have as much power to bring to your workout.  That’s okay! Bring your best and forget the rest! All that matters is that you show up for yourself and you try to make yourself that 1% better.

16. "You don't have to be extreme, just consistent."

You don’t have to be the mom that runs marathons or is in the gym for hours every day. You just have to be the mom that doesn’t let the obstacles of finding a time to workout get in her way. Keep showing up for yourself each day and soon you will see what a difference it is making.

17. “Being a mom is the best reason you’ll ever have to take care of you.”

Sadly, it’s hard sometimes to want to take care of yourself. When life gets hard it’s sometimes easier to just throw your hands up and do the easy thing. But when you have kids, giving up means giving up on more than just yourself. 

18. "You won’t always be motivated so you must learn to be disciplined."

Motivation comes and goes with each day. If you only worked out when you were motivated, you would never string enough days together to make any progress. People who are able to stay fit are not motivated, they are disciplined.

19. “Just because you’re struggling, doesn’t mean you’re failing.”

The world of social media has left all of us feeling like perfection is normal and any sort of struggle is equivalent to failure. But the reality is that struggle is truly a stepping stone to success. If you are struggling, it means you are still moving forward and making progress. 

20. "Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life."

Fitness is not a weight goal or a certain amount you can squat. Fitness is truly about pushing your body to find it’s true potential and making yourself 1% better each day.

21. "Work out because you love your body, not because you hate it."

Even if you skip every other thing in this post, PLEASE READ THIS. This is a tricky balance for many women. Don’t workout because you hate what you see in the mirror. Trust me, I’ve been there, and it is never productive for your physical or mental well being. 

Workout because you love your body and you want to take care of it. Fitness is a way that we thank our bodies for all they do for us each day. Work out to become stronger not skinner. Work out to become faster not prettier. That simple change may actually allow you to enjoy your workouts again too! 

This post was all about fitness quotes for moms to stay motivated to take care of themselves and set an example for their kids with the way they care for their bodies. Don’t forget to download them below and check out all the other freebies I have for you on my free printables page! Print them out, plaster them in your workout zone, and keep it up! You can do this!

-Beautifully Busy Mom

fitness quotes for moms

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Meet the Author

This post was written by Monica, a mom of two and former college athlete. Monica is passionate about helping other moms get fit and stay fit so that they can be the best moms possible to their kiddos. 

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