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14 Things You Forget to Clean As a Mom

As a mom, there are plenty of things to clean every day which means there are also a handful of things you forget to clean along the way. This list is especially made for the moms and I think you’ll be shocked by the things on this list. 

This post is all about things you forget to clean as a mom. 

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Things You Forget to Clean

1. In and under car seats

The first time I pulled out the car seat as a new mom, I was torn between disgust and being impressed by how much food could actually fit underneath it. So, as annoying as it is to deinstall your car seat, I do highly recommend doing a little spring cleaning under your car seat. 

2. All pieces of the highchair

Most highchairs are made up of multiple pieces, meaning that food and stickiness can hide in every nook and cranny. My highchair for example has a fabric machine washable seat, straps that detach and can be washed, a foot rest, a tray that slides off, and also a smaller tray that you can snap into the bigger tray. That’s a lot to wash and I would definitely be lying if I said I washed it all every day. It’s one of those things that every mom needs a reminder to deep clean. 

3. Baby bath seats

Because baby baths are constantly covered in soap and bubbles, I sometimes forget that they need cleaned just like the big tub. However, I highly suggest using a natural non-toxic cleaner like Mrs. Meyers Tub & Tile Cleaner to assure it is safe for your baby. 

4. Toddler toilet seat

Since potty training toddlers don’t exactly use the bathroom neatly (ESPECIALLY little boys), potty training seats can get a little nasty. Don’t forget to clean them as much as you clean the toilet if not more. I once again recommend that you are careful with what cleaning products you use to avoid your kids’ skin having a reaction.

5. Cabinet fronts & handles

Everyone forgets to clean their cabinet fronts and handles. It typically doesn’t even cross my mind until there is coffee drips down the front of my cabinets. But cabinets and their handles are a whole new level of nasty when you have kids. They play outside, cover their hands in mud and then touch everything. They eat waffles, get syrup all over themselves, and then touch every handle in the kitchen in full on Mr. Monk style. 

6. Under the couch

There is no telling what you will find if you venture to clean under your couch. You’ll probably find a ton of missing toys, enough snacks for everyone in the family, and who knows what else. Every time we move the couch it’s a great day for my toddler cause he always finds something fun. 

7. Everyone’s mattresses

Mattresses are gross to begin with. But kids run around and get dirty and sweaty before naps and bath time doesn’t always happen before bed. And regardless of whether or not your kid is potty trained, kids have accidents and pee the bed. Even when you have a mattress protector, stuff gets through it. 

The best way to kill bacteria and get rid of smells in any mattress is simply to fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water. Just spray it down and then give it 30 minutes or so to dry before you put new sheets on.

8. Your dining chairs

Food goes everywhere at meal times and it slowly accumulates on the chairs if you don’t remember to wipe them down. This is especially true if you have vertical rungs on your chairs for sticky hands to grab.

9. Any water tables/toys

Water tables and toys are easy to forget about. My number one culprit is one of those functioning kitchen sinks that I constantly forget to dump when we are done playing with it. Water toys are tricky because kids are often a wet mess when you finish playing and you are headed inside to get new clothes, etc. and forget to come back out. So, since they probably have water sitting in them frequently, just make sure they get a good wipe down once in a while. 

10. Humidifier

Humidifiers are typically being used while kids are sick and when you don’t have the time or mental capacity to be deep cleaning anything outside of your children and yourself (if you’re lucky). I know I often

White vinegar is your best friend when it comes to cleaning humidifiers. It’s pretty simple too. Just fill the base and the tank with 50/50 vinegar and water and let it sit for 10-20 minutes. Rinse everything with water and you’re good to go for the next time you need it. And if your kids are like mine that won’t be long. 

11. Purge some old toys

Toys accumulate very quickly, especially if you have any grandparents living nearby that like to bring toys every time they visit. My mom has literally brought totes along with toys before because she knows she can’t hold back. 

After a while, holidays and grandparents will mean you have to get rid of a few toys. Plus, not only is it necessary to get rid of toys once in a while, donating toys to other kids is also a good lesson in teaching our kids to learn selflessness. 

12. Organize the fridge & pantry

Keeping everyone fed is a non-stop task in motherhood. If you have a messy fridge and pantry, snacks and meal times will take that much longer. Plus, disorganization means food gets pushed to the back and forgotten about, leading to wasting food (and food isn’t cheap anymore). 

Finding an organizational system for your fridge and pantry that you love will make food prep easier and save you money. 

13. Wash the washing machine

Since washing machines are part of cleaning it’s insanely easy for them to become things you forget to clean. But, moms do a TON of laundry every single day. Plus the laundry that moms do is also extra nasty. There’s pooped on baby clothes from blow outs, peed on clothes from potty training toddlers, and dirt covered clothes from outdoor adventures just to name a few. So, between the dirty cloths that run through it and the detergent build up, your washing machine gets gross fast. In fact, it’s recommended to clean your washing machine once a month. 

Once again, vinegar to the rescue. Just run an empty cycle on the hottest temp with two cups of vinegar in the detergent dispenser. Then run a second empty cycle at the hottest temp with half a cup of baking soda in the drum. 

14. Coffee maker

The moms who get through the day without coffee are nothing short of superheros. For me personally, coffee is a must. 

You can use the same process to clean both coffee makers and espresso makers. Just fill the reservoir with 50/50 vinegar and water, brew it and let it sit in the carafe for a while to clean the carafe. Then run a cycle through with just water to clean out the vinegar taste

Then your ready to go the next time you have a long night or a long day, cause coffee just makes things better.

This post was all about things you forget to clean as a mom. Happy cleaning!

-Beautifully Busy Mom

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