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64 Non-Candy Easter Egg Fillers for Babies, Toddlers, Kids, & Teens

Buying non-candy Easter egg fillers that your kids will love is actually way easier than you think. Whether you have babies, toddlers, teens or somewhere in between, this list will leave you with plenty of ideas! 

This post is all about finding non-candy Easter egg fillers that will bring just as much joy but without the sugar crash!

non-candy easter egg fillers

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Non-Candy Easter Egg Fillers

How big a toy can fit into an Easter egg?

Before deciding what non-candy Easter egg fillers you are going to buy, you’ll have to determine what size Easter eggs you’ll be using. 

Most (if not all of these ideas) will fit into a normal sized Easter egg but you’ll have even more options to fill your Easter eggs if you grab some other Easter egg sizes. 

Standard Size Easter Eggs– Most standard Easter eggs come in somewhere around 2 1/4 inches. 

Large Easter Eggs- At just over 3 inches tall, these eggs are the perfect size to fit those things that are just a tiny bit too big for a standard Easter egg. Plus, these are insanely affordable.

Jumbo Egg w/ Handle- These Easter eggs truly are jumbo at 10 inches tall and 7 inches wide. This thing would be a great option to hide a larger gift or a fun alternative to an Easter basket. 

Non-Candy Easter Egg Fillers For Babies (Under 1)

If you decide to do an Easter egg hunt for a baby, tying a small helium balloon to each egg or toy is a fun way to help them find everything. 

1. These sensory scarves are a great thing to put in Easter eggs for little littles. Add them to an old tissue box for a toy they will never stop playing with. Plus, they are a fun addition to your dance parties as they get older too.

2. A new pacifier because you can never have too many extras. Both my kids loved MAM pacifiers.

3. A pair of wearable rattles for their wrists

4. This cooling teether on a clip so you don’t have to keep washing teethers every time they fall on the floor. Plus, it’s also great on the go. 

5. Cheerios are always a win for my kids.

6. Puffs are a fun treat for little ones without a ton of sugar. 

7. This Melissa & Doug Soft Taco Toy is a great option to split up amongst all their Easter eggs. 

8. These wooden musical egg shakers are a great thing to hide all on their own. 

Non-Candy Easter Egg Fillers For Toddlers (Ages 1-3)

9. These adorable finger puppets are a fun Easter egg filler to spur your toddler’s imagination and creativity. 

10. Magnet men are a a fun quiet toy that you will love having around! So, honestly, it’s really a gift for you!

11. Stickers, because I’ve never met a toddler who didn’t love a sticker.

12. These plastic animal figurines come in sets of farm animals, dinosaurs, bugs, horses, dinosaurs, and sea animals. So, you can definitely find ones that your toddler will absolutely love. Plus, these 

13. I’ve ordered these hairbows for my own daughter and they are BEAUTIFUL!

14. Wooden stampers are a great option to fill your Easter eggs if you are tired of those crappy plastic stampers. This is a fun one to separate among the eggs. 

15. Army men are a classic for a reason. 

16. Sticky hands were one of my absolute favorite toys as a kid. Plus, they are super easy to pick up at any dollar store. 

17. I could play with these stretchy strings all day and so could my toddler.

18. These colorable snap bracelets will be so fun to do together with your toddler.

19. Getting your toddler these wooden tops is a great way to help them improve their fine motor skills and dexterity. 

20. These wind up toy bunnies are the perfect non-candy Easter egg filler. I love how they have different expressions and faces too.

21. Getting your kid bandaids for Easter may sound lame, but we all know that toddlers LOVE bandaids. So, grab them some bandaids with fun designs or grab this Melissa and Doug Bandaid Play Set and separate the pieces out amongst the eggs. 

22. Mini rubber ducks are a cute and inexpensive bath toy to add into your Easter eggs. We actually bought ours in a three pack at Dollar Tree!

23. If you ask me, every kid needs glow in the dark stars for their ceiling.

Non-Candy Easter Egg Fillers For Kids 4+

24. These rainbow emotion fidget poppers are a fun fidget, a good social emotional too, and you can also build with them! 

25. You can’t go wrong with finger lights! It’s just a flashlight that they can wear! Plus, this one is super easy to split up among multiple kids if you decide to. 

26. A Robo fish might just be the best bath time playmate ever.

27. Dollar Tree is always stocked with little character figurines and they are the perfect size to be an Easter egg filler. 

28. Bouncy balls will never go out of style. I personally love getting my kids the ones from Old Navy. They aren’t a swallowable size and you only have to buy one!

29. These Bible verse gold coins are a great way to remind your kids about the true meaning of Easter. 

30. A nice set of Melissa and Doug wooden alphabet magnets is both fun and a good learning tool. 

31. This cute reusable kid straw is a great thing to keep at home or in the diaper bag. Plus, they easily fold up to fit into an Easter egg. 

32. Giving your kids a “ticket” for a favorite activity like going for ice cream is a great way to get extra quality time.

33. If you buy Croc charms in random bulk, you’ll definitely find a few your kids will love and it costs as much as a single charm!

34. Dress up jewelry is a way to every little girls heart. 

35. These ninja wall climbers are honestly so nostalgic!

36. This set of non-toxic temporary tattoos are easy to cut up and use as quick non-candy Easter egg fillers.

37. These alphabet silly bands are super fun for them to wear and also make learning their letters a whole lot more fun too. 

38. These squishy animal toys are a great addition to your Easter and the extras are great potty training prizes too! 

39. Honestly, these Magic grow animals still amaze me every time we play with them. 

40. Worry stones are an especially good gift for anxious kiddos to keep in their pocket. It’s a low key and not distracting fidget toy too, making it great for school.

41. You can never go wrong with coins, especially for little ones who don’t know a penny from a quarter. And this unique wooden letter bank in their Easter basket would give them a place for all those coins.

42. Whistles are definitely a good Easter egg filler but you may want to confine the whistles to be outside toys…

43. Hot wheels are always a win for both my boy and girl. Plus, Dollar Tree has a ton of options for both Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars. 

44. This set of Barbie doll clothes even come with hangers! And if you have a Barbie lover, this huge lot of clothes could fill every one of their Easter eggs.

45. If you have a crafty kiddo who enjoys making friendship bracelets, this embroidery floss is inexpensive and comes in a ton of different colors. 

46. Fun socks are a fun gift for any age. 

47. These fun erasers are normal sized but have a fun design inside. Making them far more useful than the usual tiny shaped erasers that are bound to get lost in every crack and crevice in your house. 

48. Magnet men are a fantastic quiet toy for the car, church, or restaurants. They are small for on the go too. 

49. Needoh teenies are so addicting to play with that even I want one for Easter. 

50. Lego mini figures are a great non-candy Easter egg filler for the Lego lovers in your life. 

51. These light up shoe laces are too cool for ever the cool kids to deny.

52. These stretchy animal fidgets can also turn into a bracelet! 

Non-Candy Easter Egg Fillers For Tweens & Teens

53. Money makes a teens world go round. 

54. A Wendy’s Frosty Tag means you spend $3 on a years worth of frosties. No purchase is required either!

55. Thumby, the world’s smallest game console, is literally small enough to clip on a keychain. 

56. Jewelry is a great option for any teen girls in your life. This dainty initial necklace is affordable and very simple. 

57. If you know their taste in nail polish or nail stickers, both are great options for teen Easter egg fillers. 

58. This Elf clear lip oil means you don’t have to know their favorite lip color to pamper them.

59. Even if your picky teen decides they don’t like them, silk scrunchies are great for sleeping in and avoiding hair breakage. Plus, you can’t go wrong with these neutral colors. 

60. A morse code bracelet to remind them how much you love them non stop without embarrassing them. 

61. Grab them their favorite chap stick, because you truly can never have enough chap stick. 

62. A cute keychain to hook on house keys, car keys, or just to hook onto their back pack.

63. Washi tape is fun for the journalers in the fam or just to make their school notes a little more fun. 

64. Pick up a Lego kit you know they’ll love and then split up the pieces between the Easter eggs. 

More Ideas in the Shape of an Egg

Save a little money with these ideas since no plastic egg is necessary! These are already in the shape of an egg and ready to go.

Hatchimals- You probably were expecting this one. Hatchimals are a great option if you are wanting an egg shaped toy. 

Dinosaur Excavation Egg– Why get them tons of little eggs, when you can get them one giant egg filled with 12 different dinosaurs!

Egg Shaped Stamps– These stamps make for super easy crafts for weeks after Easter. 

Slime- These slime filled eggs are ready to go for Easter morning.

Kinetic sand Eggs– Kinetic sand is the absolute best quiet time toy for toddlers. My three year old played with his kinetic sand for over two hours the other day. 

Egg splatting Toy– These things are great to borrow from your kids on the stressful days. 

Egg shaped playdough– Since playdough is always drying out or getting mixed, new play dough is always a good idea. 

Egg shaped chalk– This egg shaped chalk even comes in an egg carton holder!

Shape color matching eggs– We just got a set of these for our daughter and she is OBSESSED.

Budget Friendly Alternative Ideas

If you are on a tight budget this year, the Easter egg hunt might be the easiest place to cut your Easter budget down. If you want to cut the cost of the egg hunt without actually cutting out the egg hunt, try putting clues in each egg leading your kids to their Easter basket. If you have more than one child, give each child a specific color. 

Another great opetion to spend less on your egg hunt is to pick a gift with a lot of little pieces. This can be a puzzle, a lego kit, a multi piece toy, etc. Then separate all the pieces into the eggs. This way, you are buying one gift instead of a bunch of little ones.  

This post was all about non-candy Easter egg fillers that will make your kids completely forget about the candy. Happy Easter!

– Beautifully Busy Mom

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beautifully busy mom

Meet the Author

This post was written by Monica, a mom of two who absolutely loves holidays but also loves sticking to the budget. It is possible to enjoy it on a budget! I promise!

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