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15 Amazing Halloween Costumes for Family of 3

Whether it’s a month before Halloween or your costume is a little last minute, you’re sure to find the perfect Halloween costumes for family of 3 here! This list has both intricate costumes to ones you can throw together with things from home. But, they are all equally incredible.

This post is all about genius Halloween costumes for family of 3. I guarantee you will find one you absolutely love!

halloween costumes for family of 3

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Halloween Costumes for Family of 3

1. Rock Paper Scissors

There is nothing more classic than a good game of rock, paper, scissors! You can Amazon prime all three of these costumes at once here or easily create your own with a few T-shirts and sharpies! 

2. Jasmine, Aladdin, & Abu

Get this Jasmine costume, Aladdin costume, and Abu costume all sent right to your door and look like you put way more work into your costumes than you really did. 

3. Ice Ice Baby

Alright, stop collaborate and listen…With just two clear trash bags, a blue sharpie, and a few pairs of sunglasses, you’ve got ice, ice, baby!

4. S'mores

This is a costume you can easily DIY last minute! To make the graham cracker costume, you will need a large piece of cardboard, a string for around your neck, and a black sharpie for the lines. You can use a brown t-shirt for the chocolate bar if it’s last minute or order a Hershey bar costume. For the marshmallow, a white T-shirt with throw pillows in front and back does the trick! 

5. Monsters Inc

Monsters Inc. is one of my all time favorite movies. Luckily, it also comes with super easy costume opportunities! Even in plain green, pink, and blue T-shirts, everyone will know who you are! Add some purple spots on a blue t-shirt and draw an eye on the green, and you’ll look amazing! You can also opt for a mike onesie and sully onesie

6. Duck Duck Goose

All you need for this one is a cute goose costume for your little one and some yellow T-shirts. You can also throw in some duck hats, orange leggings, and duck feet if you’re feelin a little extra. 

7. Chickfila Cow & Workers

Little kids dress up like their heros, so adults should dress like theirs too! With red polos, khakis, and this adorable cow costume you too can dress like your favorite superheros! This idea was my pleasure!  

8. Winnie the Pooh, Tiger, & Piglet

Halloween costumes for family of 3 …. well I guess this one is technically for a family of 4! Everybody loves Pooh bear, but an adorable pregnant lady dressed as Pooh is even better! If you will be pregnant while trick or treating with your fam this year,  this is the perfect costume! You’ll also get to enjoy a few laughs watching your man in a tiger costume and your little one as an adorable piglet

9. Starbucks Worker, Frap, & Siren

Most parent are huge coffee fans…by necessity of course. Dress as a Starbucks worker or the siren and leave your little one with the important roll…the coffee!  Grab this adorable frappuccino costume or go for a tutu and a printed Starbucks logo! 

10. Baby Shark Doo Doo Doo

The baby shark song is definitely obnoxious to all parents everywhere, but I have to admit that it makes Halloween costumes for family of 3 incredibly easy! Parents can wear all gray with the addition of these wearable shark fins and your little one can wear this adorable shark onesie! Ta da, costumes done! 

11. Beekeeper and Bee

Looking for something new you haven’t seen before? Pick up these super cheap beekeeper hats and a cute bee costume for super unique Halloween costumes for family of 3. 

12. Farmers & Chicken Coop

Whip out those flannels and pick up some overalls at Goodwill for your costumes this year. Dress your kiddos in chicken costumes and throw some straw on your wagon for bonus points!

13. Shark Attack

With a white T-shirt, red sharpie, lifeguard hoodie, and a shark costume you’ll have a funny Halloween costume and an even funnier family picture to hang on your wall later! 

14. Mario, Princess Peach, & Toad

I just can’t get enough of this little toad costume! Add in princess peach and Mario and it’s just too much! 

15. Wizard of Oz

It doesn’t matter if you’re a good witch or a bad witch, you have to admit this is a pretty darn good costume choice! It’s also a great one if you need to throw together a costume last minute. For the tin man, you’ll just need any gray pants and top that you have. Bonus if you add a funnel painted gray for a hat. For the scare crow just grab any flannel and a straw hat. Overalls are a great add if you have them.


 For your little one, make your drop super easy with this lion onesie. Or if you have a little girl, just dress her in any blue and white dress and red shoes!

This post was all about the best Halloween costumes for family of 3. I hope you were able to find the perfect costume for your family! If you have any other ideas for family of 3 costumes, I’d love for you to leave them in the comments below! Trick or treat! 

-Beautifully Busy Mom

beautifully busy mom

Meet the Author

This post was written by Monica, a mom of two and former teacher who loves the creative side of motherhood. She also loves walking with new moms through motherhood, the chaos and the beauty.

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