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20 Minute Full Body Mom and Baby Workout

I designed this mom and baby workout for those days your baby is extra clingy, won’t go down for a nap, or wakes up WAY earlier than you expected them too. I know how disheartening it is to get yourself motivated and just get started on your workout only to have your baby wake up crying. So instead of ditching my workout all together, I decided to create this mom and baby workout that will challenge you while also keeping your baby entertained.

This post is all about a mom and baby workout to keep in your back pocket so you can make your workouts happen no matter what!

mom and baby workout

This post may contain affiliate links.

DISCLAIMER: Do not try this or any other workout plan/exercise on our site without first consulting with your doctor. Beautifully Busy Mom does not take responsibility for any injury that may occur during the completion of this workout. Additionally, do not complete this workout with your baby until your baby is able to easily hold their head up. 

Mom and Baby Workout

How old does my baby need to be for this mom and baby workout?

Since every baby is different, there is no set age that is for sure appropriate for this workout. Rather, I recommend that your baby has good head/neck control and stability before doing this workout. This will likely occur between 4-6 months old, but it can vary greatly from baby to baby. I personally am completing this workout with my almost five month old, 18 pound baby in the photos and videos you’ll see throughout this post. 


You can also continue this workout with baby’s bigger than this (or even toddlers if you want!). It may just up the difficulty level a bit!

Do I need any equipment for this mom and baby workout?

You need absolutely nothing but you, your baby, and some sort of chair for this workout. You truly can do this workout just about anywhere! A space of about 6’ x 4’ should be plenty! While not necessary, I used my Gorilla Workout Mat for this workout!

The Workout!

My baby was insanely fussy when I started filming for this workout. But by the end of it, she had literally fallen asleep. That’s how good this mom and baby workout really is!

Good Morning Baby Hugs - x15

mom and baby workout
mom and baby workout

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold your baby tight to the centerline of your chest by wrapping both arms around them. Next, bend at the waist and push your butt back like you are shutting the car door. Lower your torso until it is about parallel with the floor. Return to standing. 

Forward Lunge - x15 per leg

mom and baby workout
mom and baby workout

Start standing with your feet shoulder width apart and holding your baby on your right side. Take a big step forward with your right foot until both legs are at a 90 degree angle. Make sure to step far enough out that your right knee does not go past your toes. Stand back up by pushing through the heel of your right foot. Complete all your reps on the right side before moving your baby over to your left side and completing reps on your left leg.

Pop Squat w/ Baby Tickle - x20

mom and baby workout
mom and baby workout

Stand over top of your baby with your legs on either side of them. Take one small jump into the air and on the second jump land going into a squat. Make sure that the upper portion of your legs reaches parallel to the floor. Pop back up to standing before repeating the same motion. 

Alternating Lateral Squats - x20 (10 each way)

mom and baby workout
mom and baby workout

Lay your baby on the mat and stand over top of them with your feet wider than your hips and one foot on either side of your baby. Shift your weight into your right heel, push your but back, and bend your right knee while keeping your left leg straight. Next, shift your weight to the left leg and do the same. 

Single Leg Chair Squats - x12 each side

mom and baby workout

Grab a chair and stand in front of it as though you are about to sit down. Hold your baby on the right side of your body and stand on your right leg. Slowly lower yourself down on your right leg until you are sitting on the chair and then immediately press back up to standing. Complete 12 reps and then switch your baby over to your left side and do the same. 

Weighted Glute Bridge w/ Baby - x20

mom and baby workout

These are my baby’s absolute favorite! She giggles the whole time! 

Lay on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Set your baby on your stomach facing you and grab each of their hands with your hands. Pressing through your heels, activate your glutes and abdominal muscles to lift your hips up off the floor. Your body should be in a straight line from your shoulders to hips to knees. Hold here for a moment before return back to your starting position and repeat. *you can also make things more difficult by hovering at the bottom rather than going back to the mat

Penguin Heel Touches - x30

mom and baby workout
mom and baby workout

Lay on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Place your baby sitting on your stomach facing you and leaning against the upper portion of your legs. Reach your arms out straight to the either side of your body and lift your head and upper back off the floor. Reach your right hand to tap your right heel and then your left hand to touch your left heel. Continue alternating back and forth while keeping your arms, head, and upper back off the floor. 

Butterfly Sit Ups w/Baby in Between Feet & Legs - x15

mom and baby workout
mom and baby workout

Lay on your back with the soles of your feet together and your arms above your head. Bring your arms up over your head and in front of you while using your abs to come to a sitting position. Return back to the mat and repeat.

Plank w/ Alternating Reach & Tickle - x30

mom and baby workout
mom and baby workout

Set up in a low or high plank with your baby laying on the floor slightly in front of you. While keeping your hips and back as still as possible, reach one hand out to tickle your baby or poke their sweet little nose. Return that hand back to the plank position and then reach out the opposite hand to do the same. Continue alternating until you’ve reached 30 reps. 

Side Plank w/ T Rotation - x15 each side

mom and baby workout
mom and baby workout

Place your baby on the mat and set up in a high side plank parallel to them. Your hand should be planted alongside your baby’s head. Slowly rotate the opposite hand up towards the ceiling, straightening your arm. As you bring your hand back to the mat give you baby a tickle, and then slowly bring it back towards the ceiling. Complete all 15 reps on one side and then switch to the other side.   

Plank Push Back w/Mountain Climbers - x15

mom and baby workout
mom and baby workout

Place your baby on the mat and put your hands on either side of them. Start in a high plank with your hands underneath your shoulders and your feet shoulder width apart. Next, bend your knees to bring your butt towards your heels and straighten your arms. Push to return to the starting position of high plank. Complete a mountain climber with each leg. Repeat. *Bonus Challenge: Add in a push up with a kiss for your baby after the mountain climbers!)

Print this mom and baby workout routine FREE from the “Mom Self Care” section of my free printables page!

mom and baby workout

This post was all about a mom and baby workout to help you prioritize your health even on the days your baby is a little extra needy. Let’s make it happen mama! You got this!

-Beautifully Busy Mom

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